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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Lesson 4 Discussion Board_Introduction to World Religion (1)

Lesson 4 Discussion Board_Introduction to World Religion (1)

Q Respond to the following: Daoism and Confucianism are opposite approaches to how society and one’s life is structured. By most accounts, Daoism was dominant and Confucius offered a different philosophy. Contrast and compare their ideas. Hint: In order to understand Daoism, a good understanding of its symbol is very important.

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In Confucianism, Tian (heaven) and Shand Di (Lord on High) are the two most important beliefs and Tian is the ultimate reality and in Daoism, the Dao is the proper path that one should follow in life and is the ultimate reality in life. However, in both religions, there are a lot of similarities like, there is no almighty creator and also no demon that are up against the gods.